I am high maintenance, but in a good way. I live and train above 4000ft above sea level. I am a make-up ho who loves to be pampered. I like it when I feel pretty from head to toe. I like to dress up and wear high heels and luckily I have a job where I can do that. I yearn to one day have a car that suits my high maintenance girlish needs, but until then I settle for the ones that are paid off and still running. I am 30 something in a life time partnership with a "yummee" man. I am a parent 24/7 so this blog is not going to have too much parental stuff in it. It's my break during the parental work schedule...everyone needs one!!
In my household...I have:
A Handsome Yummee man
13 yo. boy - the "teenager"
9 yo. girl - "Princess PITA"
2 yo. boy - "the stubborn one"
1 dog - "the bitch"...she's only 36.**
2 cats - the "orange psycho one" and the "black sweet as pie one"
1 bearded dragon - who needs a good home
The 2 oldest kids have a different father. I was married at 19 and done with him by 30. Not married now, so yes I have a bastard child. I am a horrible person...get over it! I am happy with my life partner of 5 years, which is better than most. BTW...he is my life partner because if gays can say it so can I.
So what is the blog all about....well, I choose to be high maintenance because every girl deserves to feel special!! I try and keep sane by raising kids that are not axe murderers, having a job that I don't hate, loving myself for who I am and who I will never be, and accomplishing things in my life that I never knew I could...or at least thought I couldn't!! I was an athlete growing up but never a runner! As a matter of fact, I hated running. I am not fast and never will be. I don't even have good running skills! My coach in college said I run like I am drunk....then again, I am pretty sure I was! So about a year and a half ago, I started to trail walk. The Bitch needed exercise, so I would take her out and go on long jaunts. I would walk rather fast and found myself wanting to run. So, I started slow, really slow. I didn't really have any goals in mind, but the competive gene (and member) in me, said "let's do a race". I was now running over 3 miles a day, so signed up for a 5K which was the day after my birthday. Not a good idea...I was hungover and didn't go...(BTW, partys definitely gets in the way of training. Strategic planning is required!!) Now it's winter and winters here are brutal. I really didn't have any cold running gear so I was stuck running indoors until my yummee got me some good winter gear for Xmas. So, I took my running outside when I could and was determined to run a 10K by May. I used active.com's training program and finished the race, to everyone's surprise and mine in 1:02:36!! My yummee and all the kids were there to see me cross the finish line and it was one of the greatest accomplishments of my life...plus I got a medal!! So I have stuck with the whole running thing, getting a little off track during baseball/softball season, running when I could! I have also had some medical misfortunes (which is not normal for healthy ol' me) which sidetracked me as well. However, I never give up and continue to fit running into my life in every way I can. Even my kids have gotten involved!! I have researched running forms to help avoid injury, such as ChiRunning, and have had great success with improving my form. I have reviewed blogs from other runners and articles from experts to help stave off any pessimistic thoughts that could bring me down (go to the Committee page for more info on that). I am not one of those fast, skinny, lifetime runners who have great form and don't sweat at all. I am a woman who has let running become a part of her life!! And it helps me from getting really fat...tee hee!! Wish me luck and if you are a fellow runner....wave as you go by!!!
**"the ol' man" passed away 2/22/10 - he was 98 in dog years
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