Wow, documenting life is tough to do when you never sit down. Between full-time job, 3 kids, a man, and just plain life stuff...I just haven't had time to type, write, or even send a note via carrier pigeon.
Updates or just a brief account for my slackness:
Weight Loss Journey: Have been doing extremely well implementing the 17 day diet into my life. I am not at my goal weight yet, so I have continued to stay in the first cycle in between the weekend activities (and the beer/wine/date nights/road trips). But I am about 5 pounds from my first goal. Then we will go into the second cycle adding in whole brown grains and getting back into the half-marathon training.
Half-Marathon Training you say:
Running long distances is not an option when you aren't eating any real carbs, so I will pretty much be starting over. I have still been doing strength training, pilates, and cardio...but with the hectic kid schedule, not as much as I would like. But I did get a Free Half-Marathon Training program through ActiveTrainer, so am excited to get out on the trails now that the weather is finally starting to, and I say this with all-do-respect Mother Nature, cooperate!
Life Happens:
PITA is playing on a rec softball league and a traveling softball team. She is doing really well and really loving pitching. Scares me to death, especially with the arm pain I have now, but hey, she's really good and loves it!!
The Teenager is playing Babe Ruth baseball and now just went out for the JV Summer team. So he will also be playing on 2 teams. He is struggling a little with where he fits into all of this as the baseball program in the county has really gone to shit since everything got split up. It doesn't seem like the best interest of the kids is in's more of a who ya blow game...and apparently I don't blow enough!
The 2 yo has been battling with allergies, asthma, and then the flu. It's been a crazy roller coaster and I feel so bad for the little dude! I wish there was something I could give him that didn't ravage his body with steroids....AHHHHH!! But on a good note, he is really get into the potty training thing! So hopefully, we will be out of diapers soon!
Ok...there you have it!
Talk least when i have a moment to breathe...just sayin'
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