Friday, April 1, 2011

17 days and 15 pounds later...Day 1

Have you seen this book???

So a coworker has been losing some major inches with this diet. She finally brought in the book so that I can see what it was all about and it of course told me what I already knew. Eat right, no white breads, rice, sugar....blah, blah, blah! I have been doing weight watchers for a while and although it does hold me accountable for what I eat, I am still sabotaging myself. So the idea of losing 10-15 pounds within 17 days appeals to my need for instant gratification and well the Doctor is frickin' why not! I am normally not a fad diet person, but with reading this book I felt he was genuine and he wrote with that "no nonsense, stop shoving bad food into your mouth and this is why" reasoning!! One of the reason's I loved reading Skinny Bitch...except they use way to much soy products and are complete vegetarians...not happening in my household! Sorry, but the cows I see going to work every day...we call that steak...not Freddy or some other cute pet name!
There are 4 cycles and what I loved the most was that by cycle 4 when you are maintaining the weight loss you do have the option of still having the "naughty" foods, with moderation of course. He doesn't say NEVER eat the scrumptious garlic sourdough bread that you love so much never again...he just says to do it on your off days. 

Cycle 1: Lean Proteins and Cleansing Veggies, Green tea x3 a day, water, 2 servings of certain fruit and 2 servings of a certain probiotic to help with digestion....that pretty much covers it! Oh, and don't eat any carbs after 2pm.

So here is what Day 1 looks like to me...

2 hard boiled eggs - just ate the egg whites, not the yolk...that's normal for me
1 apple
coffee with sugar free creamer and cinnamon (not giving that up)

Organic Baby Spring Mix, Carrots, Tomato, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, and cauliflower all thrown together with some chicken breast meat and oil and vinegar....this is my normal lunch so no skin off my back


Low Fat Greek Yogurt with berries

I have to say I might be a little hungry but that's the point of not stuffing your face!!

He also recommends 17 mins. of activity. The one thing I can say that concerned me is with the first 17 days there won't be any extreme cross training or running. He says that in the book, since carbs are very limited in the first cycle. Well, since my training has been sucking biggie. I can definitely do more than 17 wish me luck

PS>> Dang it...why can't gummy bears be on the list of good stuff....just sayin'

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