Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's a..........NEW YEAR!!! Hi, nice to meet ya!

New year, new goals, new checks for the to-do lists....

What I did in 2010:
Laughlin River Run -  no not actual running, but a "run" on a motorcycle
My first 10K and Half Marathon - since I am not a large crowd kinda person, this is huge!
Coast Run - again this would be a "run" on the motorcycle
Lost 15 lbs. and kept it off
Remodeled the living room (although this is still in progress)
Other meaningless to you but YAHOO to me stuff

What I want to do in 2010:
Run more races - whatever the amount
Spring Break trip with the kids and yummee -
Remodel the hallway bathroom
Lay the hardwood floors
Finish other small incomplete projects around the "never ending" house
Lose 15 more lbs. and keep it off
Motorcycle trips with the yummee - not sure where yet
Trip to Yosemite
Other meaningless to you, but YAHOO to me stuff

I have short and long term goals and intentions. I don't have resolutions! Resolutions by definition are (according to freedictionary.com):

1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination.
2. A resolving to do something.
3. A course of action determined or decided on.

There are more definitons that have to do with laws or Congress...but that's what creeps me out. This sounds like you resolve to do something and you have to know exactly the steps on how to get there and you are not able to deviate from that plan. That's just not me. For instance, the LV RnR 1/2 Marathon...my goal was to run the whole thing; But, because of an unforseen knee blow-out issue, my plan had to change to allow some speed walking and a medical station stop. I could have let the knee issue totally deter me, keep me from finishing, blow my whole experience. I could have let that "pessimistic" committee member ruin the whole shabang...but I didn't. I said OK, let's see what we have to work with and still crossed the finish line. Things don't always go as planned...you get off track, life happens, new experiences cause new goals. I don't resolve once a year to do things that I am not sure are attainable or lead me down a path that will result in failure that makes me feel guilt ridden....I have enough voices in my head, that would just add to them. So I have goals...personal, work-related, family, fitness. I make them all year long! I make goals within goals and that is what let's me know I am on the right track. If I have to revisit the goal and alter it, then it's not a mind blowing, "you are such a failure", type of thing...but more of a "life happens, so how are we going to get back on track and achieve this goal" kind of thing. 
The other thing I think about resolutions...it seems to me people think "hey, I am going to be more patient, or nice, or play well with others"...as if it's that easy. Every day you should resolve to be a better person...not every year! It's kind of like Catholics....they sin all week and then can go to Church on Sunday and ask for foregiveness as if the sin never happened!  Nope, sorry... doesn't work for me! I am a mother, a semi-wife (I don't really have the official title), an animal owner, a runner, a computer nerd, a landscaper, a maid, a chef...I am so many things how can I resolve to concentrate on one. Every day I try and raise children in hopes that they don't become axe murderers. I mean seriously...at one point did Charles Manson's mom look down at him and say "now go kill honey, and be really good at it"!! Every day I try and be a better communicator with my yummee, because nothing says I love you honey like ignoring your partner in life. I am spritual, not religious. I don't have to go to Church every Sunday to have faith or foregiveness or have someone stand up there and tell me if I don't give them my pocket change I will go to hell. I am not perfect (don't tell my kids). I make mistakes (don't tell my yummee)....but I try every day not to make the same mistakes twice. Little things....I believe it's the little things we do every day, not the big things we just hope we will do every year.

OK, that's enough about that...now we get on to the good stuff!

Garmin 405cx....Yep, that's right!!! Got one from my yummee for Christmas. I was finally able to charge it, read up on how to use it and take it for a spin. I LOVE IT!! It's more like a watch and was less...sparticus-like-armor around my wrist. I signed up with GarminConnect and used the ANT wireless and it synced without me having to plug anything in....it's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! Well not really, as there are a lot of wireless devices these days. But I sure was impressed with the training stats and how well the software told me what a slow runner I was. Hey, I was going up a really steep hill and I have the map to prove it!
I ran for the first time since the knee injury and it was one of the best "feeling" runs. It was 26, but beautifully sunny. I had on my winter gear and my new trail shoes, and although I only did 2 miles, I felt fantastic. So I have decided I am in a love/hate relationship with running. Right now it's all about the love, but tonight I am going into the gym (without the knee support brace) and hopping on a treadmill to see if I can get in a 6-7 miler without the dreaded knee pain. Well wishes from all is appreciated!!

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope your life is everything you want it to be and if it's not...make sure you have a lot of people around you that suck even more.

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