Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's been a while...snap goes the kneezel!!

So I have been dreading this post....that's probably why I have been putting it off.  So my 1/2 marathon in Las Vegas didn't go as planned. I finished, but definitely not in the time I was hoping for. I felt great the first 6 miles, and since this was my first half marathon, all advice I received said not to push it to quickly, so I thought...after mile 7 I would push it to get in under my goal. Now my knee had been a pain (ha ha) since the Turkey Day Trot but I hadn't really worried about it as I hadn't really had any other issues. But I had that same slight twang feeling and "snap"...the knee became immobile. Now, I wasn't on the ground in the fetal position sobbing in pain, I just couldn't really move it. So my hope of running the whole thing, without walking at all, was "poof" non-existence. But hey, I was still going to finish so I just fast-walked and told myself when I got back to the Stratosphere I would (if I could) run again. I tried stopping at a medical station to wrap it and that only made it worse. So after 2 pee stops, a blown knee, and a medical station stop, it was all or nothing. I shuffled my feet below me and continued down the strip. I was really hoping to see my yummee and kids. I kept looking and looking, and thought to myself...we signed up for the tracking program so they should know where I am. Big mistake...I made it all the way to the finish shuffling my feet underneath me and crossed without seeing them at all. Turns out the tracking program didn't work AT ALL!! So my race from mile 7 until 13.2 was not the same joyous feeling of 0 - 7. I did finish 2 hours and 37 minutes and that includes 2 potty stops, 1 medical station stop, and a whole lot of in-between non-sense. So I have been resting my knee for the last almost 4 weeks and doing little bits and pieces of working out here and there. For Xmas, a co-worker (who knows I have a girl crush on Jillian) got me one of her 20 min. workout DVD's. I did it last night and the knee was fine. It was the push-ups I couldn't do...dang shoulder. I figure I will get back on track by taking it slowly and do the 20 min. work out 2x on my off-run nights to try and strengthen the legs and upper body. I will get back on this train...oh yeah!! So I am shooting for the half-marathon in May and sticking to halfs for now.
Oh, and the knee. I did a little research and it looks like it is ITBS...iliotibial band syndrome. I didn't go to a doctor or get an official diagnosis, but since it is not bothering me or aching I figured it was just a strain. Of course, if anything changes and problems arise....well that will obviously be another blog...just sayin'!

PS> Definitely more to come, because I didn't cover Christmas or my very cool new gift that I can't wait to try out!!

1 comment:

  1. Stupid knees, always ruining things! After all the stops, pain, and broken knee I was expecting you to say at least 3 hrs - pretty kick ass 2:37 given the circumstances!

    Here's to an off-season of cross-training and gearing up for an injury-free 2011! :)
