Friday, October 22, 2010

Oct. 22: My Recap of the Week and the ookie tarantula

Holy Moly...I just don't have enough time in my week to blog more. I will need to make a conscious effort to fit it in somehow. Otherwise, my blogs will be never ending with all the happenings in my life.
So we will start with my 1/2 marathon training. I have felt pretty good this week other than Monday. I wore 4 inch heals all day at work without giving my feet a break and that is not a good idea when you have a long run that I found out the hard way. Got to the gym since it was to dark to run outside, put on my newest running shoes and started on my 7 mile run. I barely got in a mile when my shins absolutely seized up! And I am not just talking shin splints, I am talking full blown charlie horse like feeling. At first I thought it was my shoes, but I had been breaking them in for the past 2 weeks and had been running fine in them before. So I stretched my legs and decided I was not going to risk injury or even worse...a totally bad running experience, and got on the stationary bike. I figured I would just switch my Monday and Tuesday (normally cross training) and biked hard for 45 minutes. I did the workout where you have to maintain a certain HR for a specific period of time. It was a good choice and my shins eased up. As I was reviewing what could have gone wrong, it dawned on me it was the 4 inch heals that prompted that muscle that goes right up the front of the leg to say "Screw You"! So I learned from my mistake and the next day wore my lower heels and made sure I took them off (while I was at my desk only) and stretched my legs throughout the day. It worked! Tuesday I ran 7 miles. It wasn't record timing or anything but my training guide said to run at a pace that you could maintain without getting winded. I don't know what it is about the first couple of miles, but there is a committee member that is a pessimist and tries to look for excuses as to why this whole running thing is a bad idea and how I should just give it up. I am so lucky the other committee members gang up on him/her because by 2.5 miles I feel good and by 5 miles it's why stop now!! I think I was even feeling good enough that at mile 7 I could have kept going, but I had to get back to the "zoo" I call home and help with getting everyone tucked in for the evening. So now it's Wednesday and I didn't get my strength training in because Moms and I had to go look for outfits for the wedding this weekend. One of my cousins (there are like 35 of us), is getting hitched on Saturday and needed to find some duds for the familia. It's so funny to think that lil' R, who was the flower girl in my wedding 17 years ago, is now getting married herself....sniffle, sniffle! OK< OK<  I had decided that walking around 2 different department stores for a total of 3 hours in heels, carrying handfuls of items, was a pretty good workout! Hey, got to stay positive, right!! Also, I noticed I was definitely soar from my run the night before and tried to check out articles on recovery. Ice baths and foam rollers are going to be my new best friends...yay me! Thursday is speed work...not my funnest thing to do since there is nothing about my body that screams "SPEED". I have good size "girls" and "arse" and those to things don't spell "AERODYNAMICS". But I didn't let that pessimistic committee member get the best of me. I jogged about 20 minutes to warm up, and then did 3x1600 at a "push-it" pace with 2 mins. recovery in between. Then cooled down by jogging another 15 mins. I was proud of myself for finishing especially since my bladder didn't want to cooperate. I try and drink a lot of water throughout the day so that I can stay hydrated through my runs because let's just say I have a bladder that would really like it if I just sat on the toilet all day long. But I hadn't finished my entire water bottle and downed it on the drive home. Boy, was that a mistake. I pee'd before I left for my run and then 2 times during my run....outside!!! Near the middle school track! I was not proud! But the last time this happened I packed in my "running shoes" and just went home and this time I toughed it out. I have to figure out the best way to stay hydrated without having to drink anything right before or during my run. Any ideas????
I have to say all in all it was a pretty good workout though. I think it also helped that Princess PITA was there with me rooting me on, especially that last mile. She was riding her bike around the track with the headlight hat on, as I ran. She is such a good helper! I have to say though, it was a full moon! So the headlamp wasn't necessary. Gorgeous night to run...until the tarantula! Princess PITA had mentioned that Papa T had caught a tarantula at work that day and was going to bring it by to show us. Well while we were out running, he brought it by alright...and left it on my kitchen counter in a big plastic container. Now, keep in mind I have no fear of spiders or snakes or any reptile....but this thing was a big brown ookie looking thing and it was in my kitchen. The guys in the house didn't see it as a big deal, and all I could think was sure I can't have another dog or cat...but sure, let's keep a tarantula! UH HELLL NO!!!! So, Sierra and I took it out to the desert and let it loose on a little wood log.....then we RAN back home! Hey, I didn't want it to follow me!!
So now it's Friday and since we will be on our way to California right after work, I am doing Pilates at lunch. I try and do this at least once a week...although, if I could do it every day I would. It's at a studio and we use the reformer machines! It's a little pricey (for me) at $15 a session. But I sacrificed and decided if I gave up 3 days of the "Green Straw" place I love so much and just drank coffee from an actual coffee maker, it would pay for my class! I am such an economist...tee hee!
I also did something this week that I am pretty proud of....I signed up for 2 more races. I am doing an 8K on Oct. 30 and a 10K on Thanksgiving. I have noticed that if I take the time to register and pay then it keeps me straight! I mean it's not like I am a member of a cool running club or really have any running buddies, so there isn't anything that keeps me from staying on track...except for me and my 1 personal goal of being a marathoner!
I hope this weekend to get in my regularly scheduled training! I am not promising anything, especially since we will partying our arses off at my cuz's wedding.  If anything, I will just do my long run on Monday. Hey, it's better to be flexible than beat myself up, right!!!???


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