Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 5: Insomnia....if I could get the committee to shut up!

OK, so it's my first nice!!
So, insomnia. I got it when I was at the last part of my not-so-great marriage. Not being able to get to sleep and then finally falling asleep to then wake up just a few hours later. IT BLOWS!! Now, I have the best man ever, but I have the teenager and the bitch (review About Me for details) and needless to say they both caused me problems last night. We are having bad lightening and thunderstorms in our area, and the bitch is a big scaredy cat...ha, ha. So she jumped our 6 foot fence and bolted....all night long! Yep, she's a bitch. 
Now the teenager, well, he's a gamer. He has been playing XBOX Live for almost a year and let me just say I am not a fan. Yep, I am that horrible parent with the gaming addict for a son. Somewhere in that year, I have found "hey, this would be cool" and "what the hell did I do" colliding into a horrible mess. My adorably loving and respectful, mom knows everything, kid has grown to hate me. I asked my mom the other day if I ever hated her, and she said "oh, yeah". She said if your kid doesn't say they hate you or that you are the worst mother in the world, you are not doing your job.
But, you see I have a committee in my head and this causes me great pain.  There is a worry wart, a pissed off ol' man, the winy lil' girl, the princess and others, but those 4 rear their ugly heads the most. So it was the worry wart the other night. Woke up at 12:39am to go and check to see if the bitch was back and on the front porch....nope! So when I tried to get back to bed, it was the worry wart again that was reliving the argument with the teenager. Although, I am pretty sure it's the pissed off ol' goat that tells me what a horrible mother I am, at 1:00am in the morning it really doesn't matter who's talking because I just want all of them to shut up. But that did not least not until about 3:30am. Of course, I have to get up around 6am in order to get to my day job, so not sleeping through the entire night does not make for a happy camper. Plus did I mention I am training for a half marathon...oh yeah, fun times. So a venti coffee for breakfast and a grande coffee for my 2:30 snack and I am trying to remind myself why I want to run what seems like an infinite amount of miles. I mean, unless there was a big chocolate buffet or a keg of beer at the end...maybe, but for a medal and a cool running shirt. All I can say is that it must be because of another committee member...the "stupidly-obsessed, yearning to be skinny" committee member.
So how do you cope with insomnia? I have tried clearing my mind and counting slowly, medication, watching tv (preferably James Bond...that will be another post), to sex. Yep, that's right. I have to say the last one is my favorite way to go back to sleep....but I won't elaborate as that might be considered porn.  So what more is there to say about insomnia! It blows!!

PS>The Bitch came back around 6:30 in the morning, so don't go calling the dog pound!

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